The Frey Wetlands is owned and managed by Platte River Basin Environments Inc. (PRBE). The 700 acre
tract is in Morrill County, Nebraska and is located approximately 9 miles Southeast of Bayard, Nebraska
or 6 miles Southwest of Bridgeport, Nebraska. The property lies on the north side of the North Platte
River having no river frontage and is accessed off County Road 100.The public parking area is along the
Northeast part of the property; ¾ mile West of the intersection of County Road 93 and County Road
100, just South of the Burlington Northern railroad tracks. The property has a unique alluvial saline
wetland that includes salt grass pastures, sloughs and developed check dams with holding ponds. The
development of the wetlands was important to increase the food resources and habitat for resident and
a variety of migrating shore birds, waterfowl, and nesting prairie birds. Ducks Unlimited engineering
team developed the water resources on the property with connecting channels to enhance the wetlands
and improve early season waterfowl hunting. One of the big attractions to this wetland is that it is a
historical stop- over place for large numbers of Snow and Canadian geese, and an occasional flock of
Sandhill Cranes as they migrate both spring and fall.