Chadron Creek Ranch WMA

Chadron Creek Ranch Wildlife Management Area (Chadron Creek Ranch WMA)

Platte River Basin Environments assisted the Nebraska Game and Parks with the acquisition of this property, and it is now under the management and control of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

The Chadron Creek Ranch WMA is located 2 miles south of Chadron State Park or approximately 7 miles south of Chadron, Nebraska on HWY 385. This area encompasses approximately 2,500 acres and is located entirely in Dawes County. This area was purchased in 2003 with the assistance of Platte River Basin Environments, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and the Nebraska Environmental Trust. The primary focus of management is for wildlife and public enjoyment. The area is home to numerous wildlife species including elk, deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels as well as numerous songbirds and furbearers. Many foot access only recreational activities are allowed on the property such as hunting, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, bird watching and photography. The area is adjacent to National Forest property, which allows for a much larger tract of land for public recreation.

For more information on Chadron Creek Ranch WMA, please visit Nebraska Games & Parks

What we do is forever & Forever is a very long time.™️

Our objective is to manage these lands and other properties for the benefit of wildlife, native plant communities, environmental studies, and for the outdoor enjoyment of the public. Please respect and enjoy these lands and refer to the Rules & Regulations on the website.