Buffalo Creek WMA

Buffalo Creek Wildlife Management Area (Buffalo Creek WMA)

The Buffalo Creek WMA is located 5 miles south and 2.5 miles west of Melbeta in Scotts Bluff and Banner Counties of Western Nebraska. The area is part of the Wildcat Hills ecosystem and encompasses approximately 4,300 acres. Numerous game animals live in the area, including deer, elk, turkey, rabbit, squirrel, and mourning dove. Several species of nongame wildlife also live in this area, including a vast array of songbirds. Public access (foot access only) and recreation is allowed on the property which includes, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, mountain biking, photography, bird watching and more. Buffalo Creek WMA is managed for the benefit of wildlife and public use via foot access only.

For more information on Buffalo Creek WMA, please visit Nebraska Games & Parks

What we do is forever & Forever is a very long time.™️

Our objective is to manage these lands and other properties for the benefit of wildlife, native plant communities, environmental studies, and for the outdoor enjoyment of the public. Please respect and enjoy these lands and refer to the Rules & Regulations on the website.